A word of welcome from our Minister
Welcome to the Mount Gould Methodist Church. We are glad that you have found us here online and hope we will have the opportunity to connect with you in other ways too. Whether you visit us in person, or on this website, or through our Facebook page, or in any other way at all, you are welcome among us!
While we do have a church building that forms the hub of our gatherings and activities as a Christian community, we do not identify ourselves as a building, but as a community of faith, bound together in the love God has shown us in Christ Jesus.
Our belonging does not depend on anything we are or do. We belong because God loves, and we know that God loves you too!
So please, feel free to come along, and be a part of the life of this congregation. Come as you are. We would love to get to know you. If you have any questions or would like more information, please do contact us. We would love to hear from you.
Rev Brenton Prigge
Find out More ....
You can find out everything going on at MGMC via our notice sheet, which we can send to you or via our Facebook group. https://www.facebook.com/groups/1429424093976896 Email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it. to subscribe to the notice sheet.
What's on next?
Every Sunday at 10.30am
Doors open at 10am
16th Feb Mrs Marion Wilkinson
23rd Feb Miss Sue Bolt
2nd Mar Mr Nigel Norris
9th Mar Rev Brenton Prigge
16th Mar Mrs Vicki Penfound
23rd Mar Mrs Di Smart
lPastoral Care
A vital part of our role is the pastoral care of our members and community.
if you have a concern for a member of the Church or community please speak to one of the pastoral visitors as soon as possible.
Or if you need to speak to our Minister he can be contacted by email through office email on this site